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#GSS May 24: Dopamine Dressing

dopamine getsetsew wellbeing May 02, 2024


In fashion, there's a powerful movement known as "Dopamine Dressing" – which is, in short, the art of wearing clothes that not only look good but also make you feel fantastic. It's about dressing to enhance your mood, boost your confidence, and exude positivity. 

I am a massive supporter of this theory, and have started actively putting it into practise with the work I make for myself (and a course that I am planning next year!!) so what better way to embrace this concept than through one of our GetSetSew challenges?

So, this month is dedicated to crafting (or plannning) garments that ignite joy and elevate your mood.  May's GetSetSew is where all your creativity meets your mental well-being, and makes friends!

This month is a dedicated for you to sew, or plan garments, that evoke feelings of happiness, excitement, and confidence. Whether it's a vibrant dress that radiates energy, a cozy sweater that feels like a warm hug, or a playful accessory that sparks joy, the goal is to create pieces that elicit a dopamine rush every time they're worn.

Sewing offers a unique opportunity to customize garments according to individual preferences, style, and body shape. It's a therapeutic and rewarding activity that allows for self-expression and creativity. I am sure you all know this already! By participating in this sewing challenge, you not only get to expand your sewing skills but also curate a wardrobe filled with pieces that resonate with your personality and lift your spirits. However, I also recognise that time is short for many, so I would encourage you to plan out a garment - mood board, fabric hunt, look for inspiration.... really really lean into what might make you feel happy and give your spirit wings, and put it out on paper in case you don't quite yet feel ready to cut some fabric.

Begin by reflecting on the colors, fabrics, and styles that make you feel good. Consider the activities and occasions where you'd like to wear your creation – whether it's a casual brunch with friends, a work presentation, or a special date night. Use these insights to brainstorm ideas for your sewing projects.

Next, gather your sewing supplies, including fabric, patterns, threads, and any embellishments you night need. Don't be afraid to experiment with bold colors, playful prints, or luxurious textures – this challenge is all about embracing the joy of sewing and creating garments that resonate with you on a deeper level. For me, a true dopamine garment has a hint of hot pink in it somewhere - it is absolute my 'tickley spot' when it comes to mood enhancing! 

As you get stuck into your sewing projects (if you're sewing!), approach each step with intention and mindfulness. Take the time to enjoy the process, from selecting fabric and cutting patterns to stitching seams and adding finishing touches. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the creative journey, letting your intuition guide you as you bring your vision to life.

Remember that perfection is not the goal – embrace imperfections as part of the handmade charm. Be open to trying new techniques and pushing your creative boundaries. And most importantly, make each stitch with love and positivity, knowing that the garment you're creating is not just a piece of clothing but an actual expression of your inner joy.

Once your Dopamine Dressing projects are complete, celebrate your accomplishments by sharing them with us on Social or in Stitch Sewical. If you feel up to it, share your garments and the stories behind them. It will help inspire others to embark on their own journey of Dopamine Dressing, encouraging them to explore the transformative power of sewing for mental well-being.

The Dopamine Dressing Challenge is more than just a sewing challenge – it's a celebration of who you are, and what brings you joy! By embracing the concept of dressing to elevate your mood, you're not only enhancing your personal style but also nourishing your mental and emotional well-being.

So, grab your sewing supplies, unleash your creativity, and Get....Set.....SEW!! 


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