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What to do When You Lost Your Sew-jo!

wellbeing Apr 16, 2022

Every once in a while, just like every other sewist out there, I lose my sew-jo. I know, I know. How can a sewing tutor lose their sew-jo? How can someone whose whole life has been shaped and defined by sewing, possibly lose their sewing momentum? The answer is pretty simple: no matter how much you love sewing, every now and then, it all gets a bit too much.

It can be hard to find the motivation to cut fabric because all you want to do is sew. It can be annoying when you have a perfect idea for a project, but you can’t find a pattern you’re happy with. Even worse, it’s tough when you desperately want to discuss your sew-jo issues with people who will be able to relate, but you simply can’t find a place to share your experiences with.


Share your journey with us in Stitch Sewcial

One of the most successful ways to overcome losing your sew-jo is to find a safe community made up of people who share a passion and love for sewing. Fortunately for you, we happen to run the brilliantly supportive Stitch Sewcial Facebook group. The Facebook group is free to join and gives you access to lots of help and advice, as well as access to our monthly #GetSetSew challenges. These monthly challenges are designed to encourage our members to try new makes and learn new skills. 

What to do when you lose your sew-jo!

Chatting to other sewists isn’t the only way to give your passion for sewing a little boost. I took to Stitch Sewcial to ask our members how they cope when they lose their sew-jo. I wanted to know what works for them; what methods have helped our real-life sewists find their flow again after they’ve had a tough time on their sewing journey.

Below is a list of things that our wonderful Stitch Sewcial members have recommended for those pesky days, weeks, or months where sewing just seems to be the furthest thing on your mind. 

Look for inspiration

One of the first things to do when you lose your sew-jo is to look for inspiration. You may have lost your sew-jo because you’ve run out of project ideas, you’re sick of making the same things over and over again, or even because you’re looking for something a little more challenging. 

Our members suggest seeking out some inspiration to help you find your sew-jo once more, here are a few suggestions:

  • Read old editions of Vogue / other fashion-focused magazines
  • Flick through your sewing books/head to the library and explore their sewing section
  • Go on the hunt for new, exciting fabric
  • Browse social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, for new projects and inspiration. 
  • Create a new Saved collection on Instagram consisting of patterns, inspiration, and advice.
  • Listen to podcasts. 
  • Look for some YouTube tutorials that take your fancy.
  • Create a new board on Pinterest and fill it with inspiration and patterns you want to try your hand at.

Try a different craft

If you’re really struggling to find your sew-jo, maybe taking a step back and giving something else a go will be beneficial to you. Do you enjoy any other crafts? Is there a particular craft you’ve always wanted to try? Now is your chance to give it a go! 

Some other craft ideas that our Stitch Sewcial members came up with include:

  • Painting
  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Crocheting
  • Knitting
  • Felting

Give yourself space to breathe

Sometimes walking away from sewing completely and giving yourself a breather is the best way to restore your sew-jo. This isn’t just beneficial for sewists who have lost their motivation, but it’s also a good way to give your mental health a boost.

Give your mental health a boost and restore your sew-jo by:

  • Take some time out to go for a cuppa, call a friend, or go for a walk
  • Tidy your sewing space and reorganise your tools and materials
  • Get outside and do some gardening
  • Give your house a deep clean - a tidy environment makes for a tidy mind

Advice From The Stitch Sewcial Sewing Community

If you’re still looking for advice on how to get your sew-jo back, these tips and tricks from the Stitch Sewcial community might put your mind at ease. Remember that at some point, everyone will lose their sew-jo; just like every other hobbyist will experience the same lack of motivation when it comes to their passion. It’s a normal part of life, so remember that it won’t last forever! 

Extra advice from our amazing Stitch Sewcial members about what to do if you lose your sew-jo:

  • Walk away from your sewing machine completely and just try something different. Usually, a new project idea will pop into your head when you least expect it to.
  • Make sure you don’t beat yourself up about it. Creativity will find its way back to you!
  • Giving yourself a break to try other hobbies and create new projects using different crafting materials will let your sewing mind rest. When inspiration does strike again, you’ll bounce back refreshed and ready to sew.
  • If you feel that walking away isn’t an option for you just yet, how about starting on some projects for other people? Create some special gifts, made with love, for your friends and family. You could find this is enough to spark a newfound love for sewing, plus your friends and family will be grateful that you took the time to think about them and make them a special gift.
  • Just take it bit by bit. Cut one section or sew one seam. Doing this in tiny steps usually helps sewists to get back into the flow of things again, even if it is a little slower than usual.

Find Your Sew-jo Again with our Free Patterns From Stitch Social

If you’ve decided to seek out some new patterns in a bid to save your sew-jo, have a look at some of the free patterns we offer on our website: Stitch Social Twist Headband Pattern, Stitch Social kids dress up hero cape, and the free Peg Bag pattern.


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We open the doors twice a year - find out more by clicking through below 


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